The rules of recreational drone flight in the US
In addition to registering your drone and obtaining your registration number. There are other rules for flying your drone as a hobby:
Flying altitude
- You must fly at or below 400ft in class G airspace (uncontrolled). If you want to fly in controlled airspace (Class B, C, D, and E) you’ll have to get a permit for that.
- Note that even if you have a permit you cannot fly above 400ft.
- Fly for recreation only
- You cannot receive any form of compensation for your flying. Meaning no side-gigs or weekend hustle with your drone.
Visual line of sight
Keep your drone within the visual line of sight or use a visual observer who is co-located (physically next to) and in direct communication with you.
Night flying
In order to fly your drones, you are required to have lights on your drone. This is a recent regulation, before the flying of drones during the night was prohibited without a permit.
Right of way for airplanes
You must give way to and not interfere with manned aircraft.