You will need a plumber to install, but it may just pay for itself one day!
Nicholas Springer
If your home is gets water from a water utility, you may need to take an extra step to ensure that a fluctuation in pressure does not damage your home. Typically water pressure in your home will be between 40-80 psi, anything outside those ranges are not ideal or possibly even safe. Too low and you may not be able to use appliances as designed. Too high and it can rupture your home's plumbing system.
You water utility will usually maintain a consistent pressure, however there may be times when it can fluctuate. One instance may be when the utility must shut the water off and then turn back on at some point. When the water is turned back on, it can cause a spike that may be dangerous to your plumbing system.
If you know the water has been shut off, you may want to physically turn the water off inside your home before the utility turns it back on. Once the water is back on, you can then slowly turn it back on to ensure there is no spike hitting every pipe when you are not ready. If the water some back on when you are not home and there is a leak, it can cause much more damage. (OF course, only do so if you know what you are doing and it is safe to do so. When in doubt ask a local plumber for help.)
To safeguard against outside pressure that is too high, your home should have a Pressure Regulator Valve installed that can be set to maintain a safe and useful pressure for your home.
Remember water always fallows gravity and flows downward. This means that if there isa leak in a higher place in your home, like the upstairs bathroom, that water will finds the easiest path to the ground, possibly damaging everything in its path possibly causing a costly homeowners insurance claim.