make sure they are an INSURED professional!
Peggy Claytor
I was recently watching a program on how a tree falls and the direction they fall due to high winds during a storm. Sure, trees make beautiful landscaping around your home and they can provide you with shade during the summer and a colorful scene during autumn. However, they can be very dangerous during a storm or with snow and ice buildup on them. This should answer the question why insurance guidelines are strict when it comes to tree limbs touching or hanging over your roof.
One fallen tree or branch can destroy your home! Falling trees are an underrated danger from hazardous weather. So do yourself a favor and take a look around your home. If you notice a tree leaning toward your home, branches stretching out over the roof, or if a tree needs trimming or pruning or even a dying tree, have them removed... immediately!!!! But NEVER try to do it yourself. Call a local Arborist - leave it to the professionals. One more word of advice, make sure they are an INSURED professional! Enjoy the beauty of a tree but be mindful of its dander as well.