Mobile Home Insurance

A drone shot of some just built mobile homes in Boydton Virginia

Mobile Home

Full Name: Mobile Home Insurance

Mobile home insurance is similar to homeowners insurance, but instead you get specialized coverage for your factory-built home.

  • Categories: Personal
  • Also Known As : Manufactured, Trailer, Double Wide
  • Range in last 12 months : $978 $2,790
  • Whether you call it a mobile home, a manufactured home, or just home-sweet-home, we understand that the insurance requirements are different than for a site-built home, so we give you a policy that's an excellent fit for both the latest modular designs as well as the classic mobile home.

    Manufactured housing is flexible and so is our program. We accept other uses and occupancies.

    Rental The rental program accepts residential and light commercial-use units.
    Seasonal Our seasonal program covers mobile homes that are used just part of the year.
    Vacant A vacant mobile home can be insured through our Vacant program.
    Tenant Renters insurance (HO-4) is an option for renters of a mobile home.