Out of sight, and unfortunately out of mind.
Nicholas Springer
How do you insure the utility lines in your front yard?
If you have Domininion power or Columbia gas, you have most likely seen an offer to protect your underground utilities for something like $5 a month. It's not really a bad idea.
Your normal homeowner's policy does not coverage your underground utility lines unless you add that coverage to your policy by endorsement. Most insurance companies allow around $10,000 of coverage for damage to those lines when endorsed, unless your home is over 50 years old at which point the coverage may be reduced.
The amin reason to get this coverage is for tree roots as they can destroy your water supply line and sewage line without showing any warning signs.
We have seen an uptick lately in this type of claim, so we do think it's a good idea to explore your options. Weather it's a stand-alone policy like through the utility company or an add on with your home insurance, it can be a valuable addition.